Wednesday 2 May 2007

Equality for Women

Is equality possible without discrimination? Are they in contradiction, or can one exist without the other? Let's look at some example.

When New Labour had their landslide victory in 1997, they had a lot of women MPs, so called Blair's Babes. This was because there was a women's shortlist. Positive discrimination! Tony Blair, then decided to appoint quite a few of them to be his cabinet minister, instead of the traditional male dominated club. Positive discrimination! When a plane crash or when a boat or ferry is about to sink....."women and children first".... Positive discrimination! When a door is opened, ladies first. Positive discrimination! The partner in a relationship that gets sterilised.....woman first. Positive.....errr, maybe negative discrimination! It's not over till the fat lady sings. Positive discrimination! Who always have the prerogative of being late? starts at the altar. Damn, knew I got it wrong somewhere. Positive discrimination! Who gets the only bathroom first? Women....positive discrimination! Who gets the last seat on a bus? Women...positive discrimination! Who gets to plea the "headache" excuse? Women....positive discrimination!

Perhaps, discrimination is essential to swing back decades of inequality to women, and improve their lot in society............or is it?? The Casual Philosopher muses....

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