Saturday 28 April 2007

Women and Politics

I was watching Question Time the other night. One of the panel members was Caroline Flint MP, the current Labour Health Minister. Phwoooar! That is one sexy woman! She looked like a rising star. Then I stopped and tried to analyse what had attracted me to her. Why the sex appeal? It is because of her position of power? Was that reflected in the way she speaks and also in her demeanour? If I keep my cool thinking cap on, she is not what one would consider a striking beauty. Yet, there was no denying that she would cause a man to give her the second glance.

Roll back a decade or so ago. There was then Edwina Curry. What a strange coincidence! She was a Health Minister as well. Then, I thought she had the same appeal. Indeed, I wasn't the only one. John Major, the Tory Prime Minister at that time thought the same, and went on to shag the lady. No.....I wasn't thinking of doing the same thing, in case you were wondering!! She must have thought that she was sexy too. It was rumored that she had the pictures of her own legs in fishnet stocking on the cover of her novel; which incidentally was about sex in parliamentary settings. Democratic sex!! How about that?!

So the question power sexy, or that sex is power??? The Casual Philosopher wonders on.........


Anonymous said...

did u mean Edwina Curry...?

Hammerhead said...

PP, you are right, of course. Just to prove my point, now that she is not in power, can't be bothered to remember her now edit from Virginia Bottomley to Edwina Curry.. Thanks.